Goal 3 Strategies

  • Support the member in creating a schedule for the first few weeks of life in their new home. Explore with them what they will do, where they will do it, and who they will do it with. Ask the member to think about the kind and level of support that they would desire to accomplish these tasks.


  • Develop a menu of continuing support options that people can choose from and create a continuing support plan or Mutual Agreement to work together.


  • Based on the individual’s fears, concerns, hopes, vulnerabilities, and the findings from the recovery capital scale, create a continuing support plan that will provide the necessary dose of support to match their level of need.


  • When possible, have people start their next treatment program or support programs before they leave the residential portion of their JOH experience.


  • Collaborate with members to implement their transition support plan.


  • Coordinate with community-based service providers to ensure the member will continue to receive services.


  • Support individuals with engaging in off-site activities that will help with the transition to the community.


  • Learn what skills a member most needs to work on, and document a strategy for gaining those skills in the continuing support plan.


  • Update their contact list.


  • Give, or work with the member to create a resource book with names and contact information for community resources and supports.

Published 2020

Program Manager

Project Assistant